Terje Snarberg


Portrait of Terje Snarberg

Terje Snarberg has worked for a long time in the StS family and has now landed at our headquarters in Midttun, Bergen, as the specialist in scaffolding! Therefore, we thought it was time to have a chat with him to get to know one of our role models over the years.

Who are you?

Terje Snarberg, 60 years young, married, and has two sons, one aged 24 and the other 32. Currently working as a specialist in scaffolding.

My career began in 1985 with BES (Bergen Entrepreneur Service), which was acquired by Stillas Service in 1994 and operated until 1996 when it merged with Stillas Service. We were a group with a high proportion of skilled workers who transitioned.

Have worked for about 20 years in the field as a scaffolding installer, rigger, access technician, and habitat worker. Spent 18 years as a supervisor.

Been involved in various scaffolding assembly projects, mainly offshore. My first project was in Haugesund in 1985 - a module for Oseberg. My first offshore trip was in January 1988 on Oseberg B - it was a long hook-up, and i believe it lasted for about a year. Worked offshore for approximately 27 years. In the last 8 years, i have worked onshore on projects in Haugesund, including the Johan Sverdrup project, CCB, Jotun A for Rosenberg, Johan Castberg on Stord, before taking on the role of scaffolding specialist.

What do you work with?

So far, there has been a lot of office work, but in the long run, i hope to travel more to projects.

As a scaffolding specialist, i am responsible for overseeing and supporting our apprentices with the training center. I will also assist personnel pursuing their professional certificates. Currently, we have three scaffolding apprentices, with the youngest being only 17 years old. I look forward to spending more time on this aspect.

The most important thing is to recruit new talented young people who can take over the baton. We offer various courses, providing opportunities to recruit from there as well. It is crucial to be a support to the projects where i can contribute. Additionally, staying updated on new equipment applicable to our work and that can make life easier for the executing personnel is essential.

I look forward to organizing professional forums where we gather expertise, both from those who have worked for a long time and those new to the field, to exchange knowledge and experiences. It's exciting to have input from the new and young, understanding how they think and how they will solve different challenges. This way, thewe challenge each other to constantly improve and become more efficient.

Which project are you currently working on, and how is it going?

There has been a lot to familiarize with, especially considering the recent merger of the StS group and ISONOR Industries. I have been involved in tender work, pricing jobs, and following up on the jobs we secure. Right now, many plans are being laid out. We now have several local branches that will also need follow-up - in Stavanger, Skien, Drammen, and Kristiansand.

What do you dream about?

Right now, i dream of good skiing conditions in Myrkdalen. This way, i can use some of the vacation time I have saved from last year.

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