Daniel, Cezar, BA


The workforce pledge

The industry lacks resources and the Confederation of Norwegian Employers (NHO), in collaboration with NAV, has taken the initiative to "lift the workforce".

A sea of ​​opportunities in the Norwegian industry!

There is a battle for existing resources within the ISO disciplines (Insulation, Scaffolding and Surface) today and the continued low influx of new personnel will further intensify the battle for labor.

There is a need for increased focus on the opportunities in the ISO industry with the career opportunities that lie there, as well as ensuring that the expertise of the older part of the workforce is transferred to the younger generations.

The industry lacks resources and the Confederation of Norwegian Employers (NHO), in collaboration with NAV, has taken the initiative to "lift the workforce".

This regional workforce pledge will help find solutions to increase the supply of labor, reduce sick leave, and keep more people in work longer. Part of the solution may be to consider looking at how we can work smarter with productivity, working hours, technology, skills, and the work environment.

Goal of increased employment

A reinforced work line (Labour Market Report), the government has set specific goals: The proportion of employed people in the age group 20-64 years should increase from the current 80.2 percent, to 82 percent in 2030, and 83 percent in 2035.

Taking into account Statistics Norway's population projection from 2024, this goal means that employment must increase by an additional 135,000 until 2030, and a further 48,000 until 2035.

For the entire period 2025-35, employment must increase by an additional 16,600 per year, and 1,380 per month.

Read more about this on NHO's pages here:

NHO; Arbeidskraftløftet

Fewer young people outside

About 10 percent of young people are neither in employment, education nor on labor market measures. The proportion fluctuates with the economic cycle, but has been fairly stable over the past ten years.

The employment supply from those under 30 could increase if they complete their education earlier and/or fewer young people remain outside the workforce. The Outlook Report estimates that employment could be increased by 15,500 man-years if young people complete their education one year earlier and by 10,700 man-years if more young people complete vocational courses.

The challenge

Part of the challenge lies in the general lack of knowledge about the industry and the professions. This means that there are too few apprentices and too few people applying to our professions.

There is a limited range of training, schools or courses beyond what the individual company offers. Furthermore, there is a problem that potential applicants do not have experience. One must therefore look at the entire training program - as one does with an apprenticeship.

Two of our boys took the challenge from BA

Bergensavisen, BA, wanted to focus on this issue. They contacted us and asked if we could nominate two candidates who fit the theme: "The workforce increase"

The angle was that there are many vacant jobs, but it is difficult to find enough suitable candidates, and that the industry generally lacks qualified personnel.

The journalist wanted to clarify:

  • What did the candidate do to qualify for the job?
  • and how did the person find out about the position?
  • How does StS-ISONOR work to train new employees?

Cezar Surma and Daniel Nygård present

Cezar og Daniel
Cezar Surma and Daniel Nygård pose for BA

Cezar explained that he quit his finance job and started working as a specialized laborer with us. He says it’s not as scary as it looks, and that fear of heights can be overcome.

Cezar has no regrets about choosing this career path!

The CEO of StS-ISONOR was able to tell us that we have many employees who are over 60 and approaching retirement age. We need to replace these and it is urgent!

BA also had a chat in the rain with 20-year-old Marcus Haugland Kleppe. He has worked with us since he was 17. His goal is to get a vocational certificate.

Ba snakker med Marcus Haugland Kleppe
Marcus Haugland Kleppe talks to a journalist in BA
BA, Ingrid
Ingrid Solheim shows a journalist from BA around

She could tell us that we are short of industrial painters, insulators and scaffolders as well as personnel who perform industrial sewing. Furthermore, that we ideally want job seekers who have a trade certificate. After all, we are lucky to have a fantastic course center and a device that can provide the necessary expertise.

You can see BA's post here, but it's a subscription thing!:

Mye fri og god lønn- jakter 100 nye ansatte

Our experience and our thoughts on the way forward

We at StS-ISONOR have good experience with cooperation with NAV, through the AMO courses. More of these measures are needed!

Read a story NRK had on the topic back in 2019 with the headline: "Everyone got a job after three weeks of training":

Alle fikk jobb etter tre ukers kurs

The measures must include an understanding of the industry's needs and the challenges it faces. There should be more focus on local youth and job training.

We envision active work being done towards the large shipyards and customers. That more training opportunities and courses are set up that are covered by restructuring funds.

What about introductory courses?

We offer introductory courses in insulation, industrial painting and scaffolding, as well as support for

In-company training, with the goal of passing a professional exam in the subject.

At the shipyards, for example at Aker Stord, you can have your own "Trainee program".

We are thinking of package solutions for courses and experience, recruitment before courses.

Aging workforce

It is important that the older part of our workforce remains in employment for as long as possible. It is important to ensure that the competence they have and the long experience they have can benefit the younger generation.

One could imagine means for these people to provide training and act as sponsors.

Consequences if the trend is not reversed

For us as an employer:

  • Challenges in fulfilling obligations in existing contracts
  • Challenges in winning new contracts
  • Challenges in developing in line with the needs of the industry

Challenges in developing in line with the needs of the industry

  • The short-term consequence is that the industry is unable to carry out necessary maintenance.
  • Lack of opportunity to further develop the expertise necessary for the green shift
  • Dependence on hiring from foreign companies
  • Dependence on international expertise when we do not build up our own expertise in Norway

Concrete examples of our experience

Scaffolder Cezar Surma stepped up for the first time in 2022 to share his experience.

Watch the video here:

Cezar Surma forteller om sin erfaring (2022)

Then we have an example of a young man with a completely different background than vocational training, check out this video of access technician Adrian Pedersen from 2022.

Adrian Pedersen (2022)

Erik Pedersen
Kursinstruktør Erik Pedersen
Erik Pedersen og Adrian Pedersen
Erik Pedersen og Adrian Pedersen i kurssenteret
Cezar og Daniel
Cezar Surma og Daniel Nygård stiller opp for BA
Daniel, Cezar, BA
Daniel Nygård og Cezar Surma stiller opp for BA
Redning i tau
Redning i tau i kurssenteret vårt
Adrian og Erik redning
Adrian og Erik Pedersen redning i tau
Daniel i tau
Daniel Nygård i tau
Cezar i tau
Cezar Surma klatrer i kurssenteret
Adrian og Daniel
Adrian Pedersen og Daniel Nygård i kurssenteret
BA, Cezar, Adrian, Erik, Daniel
Ba på besøk i kurssenteret
BA, Cezar, Daniel
Ba på besøk i kurssenteret-Arbeidskraftløftet
BA og Cezar
BA på besøk i kurssenteret med Cezar Surma
Jannicke, Ingrid, BA, Cezar, Daniel
BA på besøk i kurssenteret, Jannicke, Ingrid, BA, Cezar og Daniel

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